Do It Yourself Legal
I am an attorney, licensed to practice law in the United States. Through this site, I will provide insight and education on the law and how it applies to your lives.
My goal is to help you avoid the expense of hiring a lawyer, by providing you the tools needed to resolve your case, on your own. In other words “do it yourself”.
Take a look at the menu above to see the sections we have so far. We will continue to add to this site over time.
And please feel free to reach out to us with questions, 503.440.9878.
My First Complaint: The Law is subjective (and that is not a good thing).
The primary problem with the law is that it is interpreted by people, with various views on various subjects.
If you bring your legal case, into court, the subjective beliefs of the judge assigned to your case may influence how your case resolves.
In other words, there is some person, with all the prejudices inherent in the human condition, who will decide the outcome of your case.
I say no thank you; keep your case, to your self. Keep the lawyers and judges out of it!.
My Second complaint: The game is rigged
Did you know that upwards of 95% of all cases “settle” out of court. 19 out of 20 folks with a legal case to resolve wind up settling .
And, more important, this is “built into” the system.
If, say, only 70% of cases settled, the system would break…there are not enough judges/courtrooms/etc to support such an increase in cases.
The legal system in the US is designed around settlement. SO there is pressure on the litigants to settle their cases.
The problem is, if you hire a lawyer, to solve your case, you wind up paying them, often by the hour, to shepherd your case towards some settlement.
This works out great for the lawyers.
But not so well for the folks paying the lawyers to solve the problem.
These two factors; the subjective nature of the law and that virtually everyone winds up settling their case have led me to the strong opinion that, “if you have to hire a lawyer to go into court, you have already lost the case.”